Friday, December 17, 2010


I am getting really excited for Christmas.

So full of Holiday Spirit with my jingling antlers on!
 The best part of Christmas(HAM) is Christmas Eve(HAM). Sitting around my dining room table, eating non stop, and playing some sort of overly competitive game of... Scattegories, Boggle, Apples to Apples or one year Trivial Pursuit. Let me tell you Scattegories is always full of swear words and content that I am always surprised by coming from my very traditional Aunt Patty. Boggle is full of my Uncle Ray's amazing zillion letter word scores and me just trying to stay in second place. Apples to Apples is always a mix bag of happenings really. And Trivial Pursuit is basically my Mum and Uncle showing us how smart they are and feeble we must be for not knowing any of the crazy answers to crazy questions. I guess my Grandmother was very amazing at Trivial Pursuit too. I just wish I could fill half a pie, just half!! One day.

 Ham. Honey Baked Spiral Ham. Please Santa, Please.

I have been thinking about recipes and trying to decide what I will be baking this weekend with my Mum. Of course, Sugar Cookies... Fudge... Mum's Swedish Tea Cakes... Spritz Cookies (using my Grandma Musselman's ELECTRIC Cookie Shooter from the 70's?)... Peppermint Bark, maybe, probably, hopefully.

I try to make some sort of Candy each year but it's just so much to take in.

Pies. Cherry and I don't know what else yet. I know a little lady who may be getting a pie, because she asked so nicely via glittery Christmas card. I love it by the way.

"Kitty Treats"

"Kitty Treats" update: Miss Sue (beautiful black kitty) enjoyed my treats and I am very happy that she did. It made me feel like my crazy cat lady venture into making my own cat treats was less crazy... Mildly. I know.

PS: Please share any holiday recipes that are unique to you. I love baking different things. Eating them most of all : )

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