Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Healing Pie

One of my very good friends recently had brain surgery (Scary, I know!). He is now on the mend though, and I would like to dedicate my Lemon Meringue Pie to him!
Stiff Peak!

When I first found out about the surgery to come I of course had to ask Garrett about his top 3 favorite pies... When Lemon Meringue was first mentioned I was worried because I had never attempted a Meringue thus far. This, however, was about to change!
Golden Goodness
I tackled the Meringue and graciously won the delicious task.
Now, let us hope that Garrett can tackle his task of being healthy again! Too bad brain surgery is not as simple as a Lemon Meringue Pie!

I would like to think that the Love I bake into my Pies is exuded out with every bite.
It held together well - Yay!

Happy Healing Pie Thoughts To You Friend!