Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Pi Day!!!

In honor of Pi day, I decided to make a nice Blackberry Pie. I used a recipe that was not Betty Crocker but it is delicious nonetheless. I think the pictures tell the best story of this weeks Pie.

Before the Baking

I decided to try out a lattice topped Pie for the first time... The edges could use a little help...

I have been getting a lot inspiration the past few weeks concerning my conquest of dessert making. Pie is definitely something I hope to keep up and perfect but I do love other treats as well. I haven't really delved much into cake baking, nor decorating, but I think that may be something to try at some point? Perhaps start smaller with cupcakes? 

Nice Side View

I enjoy Pie baking because I get to piece it together and play with the visual outcome a bit, as well. If you have any thoughts, please share. In the mean time I shall keep sharing my Pies with any, and all who shall read over this kitchy blog of mine!

Finished Product!!
The lattice top here at the end leaves a little to be desired visually... I suppose some practice may help with aesthetics but the oozing Blackberries are distracting me from this delicious mess.

1 comment:

  1. This looks awesome, and I can't wait for the day I venture back your way. You will make me a pie, woman. :3

    On a side note. I think you need to get someone to take pictures of you as you're creating these things. As much fun as it is to see the finished product, I'd love to see you at work.
