Sunday, May 15, 2011

~Playing With Recipes~

I haven't posted in quite some time, I KNOW. Aside from my excuses, I am back in baking action and have a few things to share!

The past few days I have been in the mood to try out my own variations. I had never baked anything with puff pastry before and decided to give it a whirl. I used a pre-made pastry-which I don't plan on doing again. I wanted to see how it baked, etc, first before attempting to make my own. I rolled it out and spread on melted butter, then sprinkled cinnamon & sugar over the butter. Rolled it all up and cut it like you would for cinnamon rolls. 

Right before baking!

 Basically, it took around 40 minutes to bake at 350 degrees F and it was good, but it stuck like mad to the glass pan after it cooled down. Certainly tastey though!!

Fresh from the Oven!

 The second attempt was tonight. 

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies. A classic for sure but I wanted to try out a few flavors I have come across and see what I could create. I am going to keep it a secret for now but I did like the results. 

Thick Dough

The dough was more tastey than the baked product, in my opinion, so I think I need to pick out more flavorful perportions...Something!  My taste testers (My brother Todd and cousin Josh) seemed to enjoy them but they would never disagree with a free dessert. ha.

Not very pretty-but good.

I will definitely keep up this recipe of oatmeal cookies. It is a classic and it's fun to revamp them! It feels good writing again... Any revamped recipes of your own to share?? I would love to hear about them!