Summer has flown by!!!!! Heat creates a major baking issue for me--lack of appetite. I know, I know... how could I not be hungry for any baked goods at any time really? The summer sucks it out of me. BUT cooler nights have prompted me to start mixing and chopping again. (I say chopping because of the chopped almonds for the Double Chocolate Almond Biscotti I made the other evening! Mmmmmmm) Baking at night can actually be quite enjoyable. The quiet atmosphere paired with something so calming and enjoyable in itself. You can't help but fall asleep peacefully that night after creating something as beautiful as Zucchini Muffins, Double Chocolate Almond Biscotti, or really anything that tickles your fancy.
Hell yes! I still would like to come participate one of these days! You go Liz =)